

    A Library embodies the very spirit of a school. It is primarily to meet the needs of the students and teachers.
    “Learning is a lifelong process and school library must prepare life time learners”.


    1. To inculcate and improve reading habit among students.
    2. To help them to learn different sources of information.
    3. To help them to cultivate the habit of using books and other library materials independently.
    4. To support teaching- learning system of the Vidyalaya.
    5. To develop Library Collection
    6. To maintain Library Blog ”librarykv1kalaikunda”:   Link:
    7. To organize Book Fair.
    8. To provide reference services for project work, house activities, CCA, etc.
    9. To effective use & implement of e-granthalaya software.

    Library Collection:

    1. Books are available in both English and Hindi.
    2. Total no. of Books :8570(Approax.)
    3. No. of Reference Books General : 400 , Subject books : 2242
    4. No. of (Fic./nonFic./Story) Books English lang. : 1180
    5. Hindi lang. : 1172
    6. No. of Periodicals : 16
    7. No. of News Papers : 07